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In 2020, Norwich Solar built two separate 500 kW AC systems in Barre, VT on land owned by Washington County Mental Health Services (WCMHS). These projects added to their existing 66.6 kW AC rooftop system that we build for them in 2018 on their administrative headquarters. The savings on electricity costs enables the organization to broaden their services to the community.

WCMHS entered into what is known as a Net Metering Agreement (NMA) with Norwich Solar, allowing them to reap the “Triple Bottom Line” of Financial Performance, Social Impact, and Environmental Responsibility without any capital expense of purchasing their own solar array. The NMA affords them a known predictable rate for the next 25 years starting below the current utility rates and increasing at less than half the rate of average electrical increases. This means their savings continue to increase over time.

The real beauty of these projects is the additional Net Metering agreements for Champlain Housing Trust, Capstone Community Action and Springfield Housing Authority! These additional non-profit customers will also receive the benefits of lower and more predictable energy costs for the 25 years.  These arrangements will allow these organizations to translate those savings into services.


Washington County Mental Health Services (WCMHS) is a comprehensive community mental health center providing mental health and developmental services throughout the Washington County community.

Champlain Housing Trust is a Community Land Trust that supports the people of Northwest Vermont and strengthens their communities through the development and stewardship of permanently affordable homes and related community assets.

Capstone Community Action supports individuals and families in Central Vermont to achieve stability and rise out of poverty. We focus on making ends meet, building stronger families, creating warm and healthy homes, and opening doors to economic opportunity. 

Springfield Housing Authority provides high quality, affordable, safe & stable housing to the Springfield community as well as coordinating SASH (Support and Services at Home) for residents.


We handled all details of the project for WCMHS on the project from start to finish, including the permitting, construction and, ultimately, maintenance through our RunTime Solar division. It was so rewarding to support WCMHS in reducing their energy costs while helping the environment.


Besides cutting energy costs, these solar arrays combines will offset about 1,400 metic tons of CO2 each year, or the equivalent of parking more than 300 cars each year!



Beckley Hill
  • System Capacity: 807.84-kW DC/500-kW AC
  • Type of System: Ground-Mounted
  • Date of Commissioning: December 1, 2020

Granview Dr
  • System Capacity: 820.8-kW DC/500-kW AC
  • Type of System: Ground-Mounted
  • Date of Commissioning: December 8, 2020
South Barre Rd
  • System Capacity: 92.4-kW DC/66.6-kW AC
  • Type of System: Roof-Mounted
  • Date of Commissioning: December 27, 2018